CM (Circle of Meditation) can be defined as a novel method of meditation that integrates different traditional disciplines, mainly coming from Buddhism, into a single practice. CM’s design has been tailored to make meditation accessible to everyone, being its adaptability and non-sectarian stance one of its trade-marks. All participants regardless of their background and meditational experience, who would like to reinforce the spiritual dimension of their lives and keep open their innate wisdom and compassion can find CM a valuable tool.

CM understands meditation not only as a mental endeavor, but as a holistic approach that encompasses body, mind, and speech, both in stillness and in movement. Thus, both concentrative and mindful meditational techniques are assembled in a balanced equilibrium that progresses dynamically along the period of formal practice.

CM addresses the main problems encountered in contemplative techniques: scattered attention, overwhelming idle thoughts, and drowsiness. Through a design that brings the practitioner’s attention to present at regular intervals, usually every five minutes, CM fosters a practitioner’s focus. The design also aims to erase the distinction between formal meditation and the rest of daily activities by instilling mindfulness and the bodhisattva’s ideal.

CM has been empirically tested and adjusted accordingly. The results and participants’ responses have been highly positive, yet it remains to be seen if this novel seed reaches maturity.

A practice of half an hour specially designed for beginners can be found on the page CM meditation. Those of you who would like to know more about meditation, or the techniques and the rationale behind the design of CM, or to practice an advanced version of one hour, please visit “my books.”

I believe that there is a serious need to reintroduce meditation in modern society to change its course into paths that lead to wisdom and authentic happiness, and avert the serious consequences—as individuals and society—that selfish and shortsighted consumerism bring along. CM might be a modest approach to help in this colossal enterprise.